Six facts about Medi-Aesthetic Peels

Want to improve your skin’s texture and tone? We’d like to introduce you to your new best friends – medi-aesthetic peels! Also known as chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, peels work by speeding up the exfoliation process of your skin. Yes, by ‘peel’ we really mean peel, but don’t let that freak you out!

Here’s everything you need to know about these minimally invasive and super-effective treatments:


How peels work

Medi-aesthetic peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, designed to speed up cell turnover and renewal. The formulation is left on your skin for a time carefully determined by your clinician, taking your skin type and condition into consideration. The surface cells are targeted, and following treatment, your skin will peel – shedding the dull surface layer and revealing fresh new cells.


What peels treat

We offer a range of peels, which can in turn target a huge range of skin concerns. Scarring, pigmentation (including melasma and age spots), fine lines and wrinkles and acne can all be improved by a tailored course of medi-aesthetic peels.

Most skin types will benefit from a peel, though to know which is right for you, you will need to have a (complimentary) skin consultation with one of our highly qualified dermal technicians. Expert advice is key, because…


DIY is a no-go

Peels are completely safe… in the right hands. The chemical ingredients are powerful, and there is a lot of incorrect and confusing information around regarding the PH balance, or acid strength, required to treat certain concerns.

By using a product which claims to offer an ‘at home’ peel you could be running the risk of pain, unwanted pigmentation and worse – permanent skin damage and scarring. Best leave it to the experts!


Preparation, preparation, preparation

Once you’ve decided to go ahead with a peel, it’s important to get your skin in tip-top shape. At your consultation, your clinician will recommend a routine using active ingredients to ensure you get the best possible result.

Three days prior to your peel you will be advised to stop the use of any cosmeceutical retinols, and topical prescription retinols will need to be stopped at least two weeks in advance of treatment. If you have any questions at all about how best to prep your skin, give us a call – we’re here to help.


Timing is everything

Following your peel, your skin will be especially sensitive to the sun – the new cells are delicate, and more susceptible to damage. It’s vitally important to avoid sun exposure after treatment, so it’s worth considering having yours done in winter when staying out of the rays is easier.

No matter what time of year it is, you MUST wear sunscreen. Every. Single. Day. There’s not an easier or more effective way to prevent skin damage and premature aging, whether you’ve had a peel or not.


Aftercare for your brand-new skin

After your treatment, carefully follow the post-care instructions given to you by your dermal technician. Avoid retinols and heavy makeup for the period advised, and when you do touch your skin with anything, be that makeup brushes, fingers or pillowcases, ensure they’re clean.

Then sit back, relax and enjoy your fresher, brighter skin!