Loose or Sagging Skin

Loose or Sagging Skin

The Causes of Loose or Sagging Skin

As we age, we all experience a loss of skin elasticity – the extent to which will depend on various genetic and lifestyle factors, and weight loss and pregnancy can have a particularly pronounced effect.

There is a range of options available to you to help improve loose or sagging skin. The right one will depend on the overall condition of your skin and the extent of the areas concerning you.

Examples of Loose or Sagging Skin

Our Treatments for Loose or Sagging Skin

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are designed to help add volume, balance and lift to your cheeks, lips and other facial areas.

RejuvaFirm PDO Threads

Boost collagen for fresher, tighter looking skin.

*Cosmetic treatments are a prescription medicine. For treatment risks and benefits please contact one of our experienced Cosmetic Injectors at a clinic location near you, or visit http://medsafe.govt.nz/ for further information. Individual results may vary.