Winter be gone! 6 Spring Skincare Tips

As the seasons change, so should our skincare. Transitioning from winter to spring means that it’s time to kick our winter skincare habits and welcome the rising temperatures with the appropriate product and treatment changes. So, we’ve pulled together six easy-to-follow skincare tips that will keep you glowing right through to summer!


Eat well and hydrate

It’s the most simple advice we can offer when it comes to maintaining a radiant complexion: be sure to drink plenty of water and eat nutrient-rich foods like vegetable, seeds and grains for healthier skin. Even just small changes like adding lemon to your water can help the transition from cold weather to warm, by helping to eliminate toxins.


Sweat it out and shower

Working out not only makes you fit, it also helps your body eliminate toxins and improves circulation – giving you that gorgeous spring skin glow. As soon as you have finished a workout, it is important to wash off the sweat from your skin in the shower to prevent unhealthy build-up on the skin. If your skin still looks a little dull, our Signature 10-Step Microdermabrasion removes the dead outer surface of the skin leaving you with a fresh, clean, and ready-for-spring glow. Our amazing microdermabrasions, both our signature and our express, unclog your pores and leave your skin feeling fantastic.


Stay sun safe

Protect your skin and try to stay out of the sun, especially if you are preparing to have laser hair removal or you are in the process of your treatments. Sunscreen is, and always should be, your best friend. Try our Balense UV Defiance SPF 50+ for protection and hydration. It will also protect your delicate skin from pigmentation darkening from the sun and UV rays.


Eat for relaxation

This time it’s about relaxation for your skin, not your mind. Foods that are high in polyphenols will help to protect your skin against oxidative stress, which contributes to ageing and disease. When you’re feeling peckish at work, grab an apple or a cup of tea. When you’re home, you could cook up some eggplant with some garlic (one of our favourite dishes is Melanzane). These all have polyphenols to help!


Check for dryness

When you run your fingernail across your skin and are left with a white mark, your skin is dry and in need of moisture and exfoliation to remove that layer of dry skin. We highly recommend you nourish your skin with a quality moisturiser with strong and top quality ingredients, our favourite is the Balense ReBalense Moisturiser. We also have a range of fantastic serums in the Balense range that hydrates specific concerns such as ageing skin, pigmentation, and acne prone skin.


Change your pillow case

Oil from your hair will saturate your pillowcase when you sleep, and then your skin will try to absorb it back up which can cause clogged pores. To address this, you should change your pillowcase once a week, after all it is spring now! Time for that spring cleanliness.


If you are already implementing these skincare tips for spring and want to take it to the next level, book in to see our trained dermal technicians for a free skin assessment and treatment consultation at your local The Cosmetic Clinic.