5 reasons why we love Kysse Lip Filler

Do you remember your first kiss? Remember how it felt? The excitement, the anticipation, the nerves! Lips. We all have them. And they are so much a part of our everyday lives. Every morsel of food, every sip of life-giving water, passes our lips. Every smile we give to others or for our own sweet, secret amusement. Every kiss…


Lips are so much a part of who we are, and yet sometimes we forget that they need as much care as our skin or our internal health. Plus, as we age, our lips can lose volume, colour and elasticity. Whether our lips are dry, ageing, or losing shape or volume, lip fillers can help.

While Lip Fillers are commonly associated with voluminous and pouty lips, Lip Fillers are also capable of just restoring what we may have lost over time. There are different types of Lip Fillers to treat a variety of concerns, and Restylane® Kysse is a great option that can treat almost all of them! Here are our top 5 reasons of why we love Restylane® Kysse.



Restylane® Kysse is a great product to target lip hydration. If you find your lips are dry and dull, this lip filler is like a glass of water for your lips! Added hydration to the lips has many benefits, including helping to correct the colour of the lips.

Structure support

Whether you are wanting to correct the subtle signs of nature’s wear and tear or improve symmetry, Kysse lip filler is great for improving the structure of your lips.

A hint of volume

The Kysse filler is a product perfect for creating a hint of volume to the lips. We aim to create a natural look and feel with this product, to ensure we are simply enhancing the existing shape of the lips.

Texture and tone

Another reason why we love Kysse is its ability to subtly tone the lips and improve texture. This product helps to smooth out those fine lines and adds a natural softness to the lips.


Speaking of softness, this of course helps your lip’s kyssability. Now’s the time to start prepping for Valentines Day!


Whether it’s volume, hydration, structure, or smoothing fine lines, Restylane® Kysse is a great all-rounder option for Lip Filler. You can also book a FREE consultation with one of our talented cosmetic injectors to ensure that this treatment is right for you! Contact your local clinic to book today!