Everything You Need To Know About Lumixa

Lumixa Light Therapy takes your usual LED treatment a big step further. It’s an amazing treatment that’s suitable for all skin types and will effectively treat a range of skin concerns including general redness, rosacea, flakiness, sensitivity, and texture. It’s also collagen boosting for all-over rejuvenation!

Intrigued? Keep reading to find out more about what it is, how it works and what the two types of Lumixa Light Therapy are.



What is Lumixa Light Therapy and how does it work?

Lumixa is a topical gel that is activated with LED light, converting the LED light into FLE (fluorescent light energy) and delivering blue, green, yellow and red wavelengths into the skin (an LED Treatment will only deliver blue or red light wavelengths). The different light wavelengths (colours) penetrates to different depths of the skin, and at each depth, we’re targeting a different concern – amazing right?!.


This non-invasive treatment helps to target any concerns you may have, specifically to do with Inflammaging and Chronoageing which leads to ageing in the skin.


What does Lumixa Light Therapy do?

There are two types of Lumixa topical gels that can be applied, the first one is targeting rejuvenation and is very anti-ageing. The second, is also very rejuvenating and targets inflammation and all that goes with it – rosacea, general redness, flakiness sensitivity and more. Your expert technician will guide you on which one is best for your skin.


1. Lumixa Collagen Booster: The Lumixa Collagen Booster contains a formulation that helps boost collagen within the skin, creating a plump and rejuvenated effect.

Who is best suited for the Lumixa Collagen Booster?

For all skin types
Signs of ageing
2. Lumixa normaliser: The Lumixa Skin Normaliser contains a formulation that is effective in reducing the impact of stress on your skin while also minimising inflammation.

Who is best suited for the Lumixa normaliser?

For all skin types
First signs of ageing
Those with inflammation (e.g. acne, rosacea)
Interested in Lumixa Light Therapy? Book in for a FREE skin analysis at your nearest clinic, and your trusted advisor will take you through your next steps.